For ladies with thick thighs, such thigh-high socks can be a nightmare. These socks claim to be thigh height, but in reality they are so tight at the top of these socks that it is difficult for them to rise above the knee, making it very difficult to match them as knee high socks even if one wanted to. For true thigh height socks, they must be very flexible and compatible, not only to rise easily to thigh height, but also for those with thick thighs, at least to mid-thigh.

In fact, thigh height is only a basic characteristic of thigh high socks, and really high quality thigh high socks not only rise easily to thigh height, but also remain comfortable at that height. Some thigh high socks can rise to thigh height, but they do not perform well at this height. Because they are still too tight, the band at the top of these socks starts to get very narrow after expanding to thigh width, even like a thin rope, and they easily cut close to the skin of the thigh, like the rope at the top of a sausage, splitting the thigh into two sections. Before discussing the aesthetics, the more important thing is that these socks leave a deep dent in the thigh and can even cut off circulation.
Kayhoma thigh high socks are a completely different kind of thigh high sock. The maximum height of these socks is 30″, which is true thigh height, and for someone who is 6' tall is also above mid-thigh. Not only that, but the maximum width of the top of these socks is over 12", which is wide enough to be compatible with most thighs, even those with muscles. For muscular thighs, these socks are not limited to being wide enough, there is a 3" wide band at the top of these socks, and they are not less than 2" wide at the limit of expansion, which means they provide good cushioning and do not cut into the skin, or even leave dents. Because the elasticity of these bands is very soft, their elasticity retraction is also very restrained. Overall, the Kayhoma thigh high socks are able to provide a comfortable experience based on a higher quality rating.
This is why Kayhoma is one of the best thigh high socks brands.