Another reason polyester is not suitable for thigh high socks is because they are inherently waterproof. A particularly large number of waterproof garments contain large amounts of polyester because of its ability to reject water. This property is anachronistic for thigh high socks, they do not absorb sweat, they are not breathable, and sweaty thighs become like a slippery catfish that itch very easily.

The best fabric for thigh high socks is cotton. Cotton fabrics are water friendly, breathable and absorb sweat, they are the best material for knitting thigh high socks. Especially high-quality long-staple cotton, the fiber length of long-staple cotton is very long, up to 3 inches or more, which is about as long as a kitten's hair. The high-quality cotton fabric composed of long-staple cotton is very soft and breathable and absorbs sweat. They are very friendly to any sensitive skin and are completely non-itchy.
Kayhoma thigh high socks are woven from long-staple cotton. These socks are much softer than regular socks, they feel like a scarf, are light and warm, and are exceptionally breathable and sweat-wicking. Not only that, but these socks are also very elastic. The maximum stretch size can reach 12 inches, and the bands on the top of the socks are very soft and gentle, they do not cut into the skin or create dents, and are especially friendly to thick thighs.
In terms of fabric quality alone, Kayhoma is the best thigh high socks brand.