First of all, it depends on whether the seller is honest. Dishonest sellers will use software to beautify the pictures of products well, make them far beyond the quality of itself. In their description, the product seems to be perfect.
Kayhoma never do this at all. Kayhoma always try to show the truest appearance of the product in the pictures, and strive to express the characteristics of the product with data, make it easy for customers to make decisions which suit them.
Whether the product is consistent with the description also depends on the seller's understanding. Some sellers are non-professionals, they are not familiar with a product but still sell them on line, just because the product is popular. So the product descriptions are even copied from other similar products. They don't understand the meaning of these descriptions at all, just to make the product appear to have a description. These sellers don't care about the difference between the product and the description at all.
Kayhoma never follows the market heat. Kayhoma's products have clear design goals from the beginning. They are produced to solve a certain problem, so we usually express how this product will solve a certain problem in the description. These problems are usually the most important problems for potential customers.
In short, be wary of perfect pictures and descriptions, truth is more important than perfect.