Any high-quality leg warmers should be able to meet diverse needs. For high-quality leg warmers, the 24-inch height has better compatibility. On the one hand, they can fully realize all the conventional needs, such as good thermal performance, enough elasticity to adapt to any calf and so on. On the other hand, they are also better compatible with individual needs, they should be long enough to wrap more of the ball of the foot, rise to a higher position to protect the knees, pair with leggings for hiking, etc.
The design work for the Kayhoma leg warmers started from here. They are set at 28 inches in length, which allows them to stay fully above the calf while completely wrapping the entire foot. You can also stretch them above your knees to protect your knees when you need to ride in the winter or do some yoga ground moves. If your thighs are not particularly thick then these leg warmers are probably thigh high, you can even sleep in them, putting them on and off is much easier than pants, many pregnant women and the elderly prefer them to keep their legs warm and blood circulation.
Kayhoma leg warmers are so special, they are one of the best if only in terms of length and versatility.